The Roses Park in Timisoara

Wilhelm Muhle is the one who transformed Timisoara into the "city of roses".

After his mariage with the Niemetz's daughter Josephine, Wilhelm Mühle began cultivating roses on his own. In 1875 he will open a store on nowadays Alba Iulia Street (today there is the restaurant "Casa cu flori")

Once with the development of the business, Mühle began to buy more and more land to extend the garden of roses, where he cultivated hundreds of varieties.

In 1881, local newspapers “Temesvarer Zeitung” and “Délmagyarországi Közlöny”, wrote that Timisoara became a “truly ElDorado for roses”. Wilhelm Mühle was the one in charge of creating new parks in the city. Unfortunately in 1908, after a disease, the gardener dies.

How was Roses Park born?

The park was set up in1891 on the occasion of the Universal Exhibition (an Industrial, Commercial and Agrarian Exhibition). In Roses Park the beautiful floral arrangements were made by the following gardeners: Wilhelm Mühle, Franz Niemetz and Beno Agatsy.

The flowers were admired by the Austro-Hungarian king, Franz Josef, who visited the exhibition.

The king Franz Josef was deeply impressed by the beauty of the flowers, but especially by the handwork of the gardener.

Wilhelm Mühle received from the king a golden medal as a recognition of his work .In addition, the gardener becomes the flower supplier of the Royal House.

As an important date in Timisoara’s Parks history, the Children’s Park was founded in the same year 1891. 

In 1891, during the Universal Exhibition, visited by the Emperor himself, there were installed 10 wooden pavilions. The park during the Exhibition was designed by Wilhelm Mühle and it presented over 300 varieties of roses. Mühle was the owner of a horticultural garden with 17 solariums and the roses he cultivated were well-known abroad.

The idea of a Roses park here in Timisoara belonged to Árpád Mühle. His project that involved creating a park appears in 1895. In an article published in Budapest, the gardener said that “there used to be a pool of water in the middle of the park.In the entrance area, are going to be planted roses that do not grow very much. Then on the left side and on the right side are going to be five-meter roses arranged in the style of the amphitheater.

According to some theories, the Roses Park was made by contribution of wealthy women of the city, who brought their roses abroad from many species of roses.